In development

God's Lake 

January 4 - 6, 2018

Metro Studio Theatre

God's Lake is an original work of documentary theatre about the strength and resilience of the people in the remote fly-in reserve of God’s Lake Narrows, Manitoba following traumatic events of unresolved justice and a complex and challenging past. A rare glimpse into the lived reality of this community is told verbatim from interviews conducted with its members over six months in 2017. God’s Lake is a collaboration between playwright Francesca Albright and award-winning Swampy Cree filmmaker Kevin Lee Burton. Directed by Atomic Vaudeville’s Britt Small. Dramaturgy by Gordon Pengilly. Using stunning visual imagery, God's Lake offers a unique opportunity to witness the complex issues facing people living in a remote community and provides an understanding for those who might have no comprehension of the reserve system, let alone what it’s like to live on a remote First Nations reserve.

Featuring Nick Benz, Erica Wilson, Taran Kootenhayoo and Nyla Carpentier.Photo by Naomi Devine Photography.

Featuring Nick Benz, Erica Wilson, Taran Kootenhayoo and Nyla Carpentier.
Photo by Naomi Devine Photography.




Artistic Director Francesca Albright creates documentary plays for the theatre.

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